Line Drive Takes Out a Kid
- There goes his 3 years of piano lessons.
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Baseball Game Proposal DENIAL
- some poor guy gets rejected in front of a crowded...
Baseball Revenge
- Kid gets a baseball to the face
Baseball Caught in Pizza
- Japanese baseball fan, catches the ball with his pizza.
Samurai vs. Fastball
- slice and dice
Cool Baseball Bat Trick
- Wow that's really neat!
Coach Gets Dropped by a Line Drive
- From coach of little league to MVP in the Special...
Jose Canseco Fights a Giant in MMA Fight
- Major League baseball player Jose Canseco trys MMA...
Baseball Player Fakes Hit, Ejected From Game!
- Should have been ejected permanently!
Japanese Baseball Fail
- ouch, head first trying to catch the ball
Banned Japanese Baseball Commercial
- Reminiscent of Japanese animation and gore. This is...
Crazy Sports Moments When Fans Gets Involved
- Gotta love the fans.
Ball Girl Makes Amazing Catch
- This ball girl showed the pro how it's done?! Fake, or...
Gayest Moments in Sports
- Here are 10 of the gayest moments in sports caught on...
Philadelphia Fan Takes Bottle to Head
- While rioting after the World Series this Philly fan...
Nunchuck Baseball
- Baseball is difficult on its own but this takes a...
Korean Baseball Brawl
- I guess this is what bench clearing brawls look like...
Ass Hammered
- Matt Stairs loves getting his ass hammered by his...
12 Times Baseball Bats Almost Injured Fans in the...
- It appears to be pretty dangerous to go out to a...
Classic: Baseball vs Football
- George Carlin discusses which of the two is a real...
Baseball Fakeout
- This catcher gets faked out and allows the other team...
Exercise Ball Baseball
- This pitcher finds out why it's not a good idea...but...
Kid Falls Over Home Run Fence
- So did they let him keep the ball?
Fan Catches Ball in Beer and Chugs
- There is a ball in my beer?!?!
Bucket Head!
- A guy uses a metal bucket as a helmet and waits to get...
Cubs Fan Douses Reporter
- This reporter gets an unexpected shower outside...
Amazing Catch by Ball Girl
- This ball girl pulls off an amazing wall climbing...
Molotov Cocktail Baseball
- A new sport mixing tee-ball and pyrotechnics.
Top 50 Richest US Athletes of 2007
- Based on 2007 year only. More than 1/2 of the list is...
Cheap Shot
- This kid gives a nasty cheap shot after a baseball...
Mariah Carey First Pitch
- Classic: As far as first pitches go, this ranks as one...
Willy Mays PSA
- Willy Mays does a PSA for blasting caps. Now remember...
First Pitch
- Classic: All this guy has to do is make it to the...
Cup Check
- That's one way to see if he had a cup on!
Improv Everywhere Returns
- Improv Everywhere turns a little league baseball game...
Japanese Ump Gets Leveled
- This player was a little upset over the ump's call in...
100 MPH Line Drive To The Face
- Rutger's, Dan Betteridge's line drive, clocked at 100...
Lego Stadium
- This guy built an exact replica of Miller Park......
Clueless Baseball Announcer
- Not really sure why this guy would be calling a Major...
Cheating Wife
- This Yankee fan finds out that his wife cheated on him...
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