One Handed Catch While Holding The Baby
- A father intercepts a ball from a dodger's player...
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GoPro Captures Fan's Barehanded Catch
- This is why you pay attention at baseball games!
MLB Announcer Calls Game Like Its Golf
- Commentator has some fun during a game with no crowd...
Little Kid Tests His Dad's Reflexes
- "Sorry dad..."
Chevy Exec Makes Presentation Awkward
- Rikk Wilde struggles through his speech at the MVP...
Royals Fan Scares Reporter
- An enthusiastic fan startles KMBC sports anchor live...
Amry Vet Throws Awesome First Pitch
- Brian Keaton throws a grenade styled first pitch.
Elderly Woman Wanders Into Giants Dugout
- Clearly the cop has no idea how she got there or what...
Player Hit In The Face By Fastball
- Giancarlo suffered facial lacerations and fractures...
Boy Gives A Foul Ball To Girl Behind Him
- This kid makes a girl's day, and proves that chivalry...
Little League Coach Gives Heartfelt Speech
- David Belisle spoke to his players who were in tears...
Old Man's Impressive Catch And Switch
- Not only did he make an awesome catch, he throws a...
Kid Can't Cut The Mustard At Hot Dog Derby
- A young boy in the race falls repeatedly while trying...
Lady Takes A Foul Ball Right To The Beer
- An unsuspecting fan loses her beer to a foul ball hit...
"Graceful" Scorpion Slide Into Third Base
- Nothing like sliding into 3rd... on your face.
Making The Most Of His 5 Seconds Of Fame
- Dancing Marlin's kid might just be the best thing on...
Dinosaur Throws Out First Pitch
- A life-sized dinosaur, threw out the first pitch...
Impressive Sports Themed Cakes
- 32 cakes any sports fan can appreciate.
An Inspiring Display of Sportsmanship
- After hitting the game winning homerun, Sara...
Baseball Background Blooper
- The first baseman gets drilled in the head during...
Crushing A Baseball With 100k lbs Of Force
- This is what happens when a baseball is crushed.
Greatest Baseball Interview Ever
- Munenori Kawasaki mastering the English language.
The Fake Deaf Teammate Prank
- The team convinced Jeff Francoeur that his teammate...
Cubs Mascot Decks Guy At Bar
- Don't take his head off, or he may take off yours!
Sportsnet Airs "Adult" Version Of Mascot
- A mixup in the editing room makes for a funny live TV...
Little League
- Your dad might've been half-way drunk, but he was...
A Kid's Reaction To Being Hit With A Ball
- A kid gets hit by Albert Pujol's home run and has a...
The 50 Best Sports Plays Of The Year
- Here are the best sports plays of 2013, all in one...
Dizzy Bat Spin Accidental Nutshot
- Don't expect a guy who is dizzy to have pinpoint...
Major League Baseball - Team Values
- 2013 Forbes rated each MLB team and their current...
Honest Company Slogans
- Because we all know what it's really all about.
22 Little Pictures With a Big History
- Interesting photos that captured some big moments from...
Korean Girl Impresses Audience With First Pitch
- With all these acrobatic first pitches, it's still...
Awesome Game Ending Wiffle Ball Catch
- That landing didn't look like it felt too good though.
Marriage Proposal at The Baseball Game
- Talk about humiliation, especially with the host...
The Future Of Instant Replay
- Welcome to the future, where the Matrix meets sports...
Incredibly Awesome Ricochet Ball
- A ball hits the pitchers glove, then goes airborne off...
Matt Harvey Goes Under Cover
- The All-Star Mets pitcher asks fans what they think...
Fan At Baseball Game Likes His Beer
- When drinking your beer becomes intimate...
Store Owner K.O.'s Robber With A Bat
- The store owner connects with a swing and knocks the...
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