You've Been Promoted to Customer: 24 of the Worst...
- These folks were getting axed no matter where they...
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I'm Spilling All The Beans: 22 Former Employees Share...
- All good employees know what's really going on behind...
Boss Forces Skilled Employee to Work Overtime, So...
- If you have an employee who can do their job without...
'I Really Have to Shake Everyone's Hand?': Boss Forces...
- If you make your sick employee show up, just be aware...
Employee Is Asked to Choose Between Pay Cut or Firing,...
- This 14-year sales veteran knew what he was doing when...
Experienced Factory Employee Gets Fired While Trying...
- When one worker writes a code that drastically...
The World’s Worst Liquor Store Employee Somehow Has...
- Though liquor store employees may spend their work day...
Retail Worker Deserves Raise After Preventing Would Be...
- One Northern California outlet employee recently...
‘My Body Shape Is Too Much for the Job’: Costco...
- A Costco employee has gone viral after sharing a video...
Woman Fired From Job She Loves By Clueless Boss Exacts...
- The story of a woman whose inept manager ended her...
27 Shocking Secrets from Former Employees, Now that...
- CEO's and execs everywhere are sweating bullets now...
‘You’re Mad at Life’: Walmart Employee On a...
- What is it about Walmart that makes the entire...
Elon Publicly Fires Employee after He Corrected Him on...
- Elon Musk has been dominating the news lately, mostly...
Employee Told They Weren't Qualified For Job, Gets New...
- After giving notice and informing the boss of how much...
23 Relatable Work Memes For When You Can't Stand It...
- They won't make your job better, but they'll give you...
Chic-fil-A Employee Fights Off Car-Jacker Who Targeted...
- Give this man a raise, immediately.
Taco Bell Employee Throws Boiling Water on Angry...
- Maybe don't go behind the counter if you're not an...
People Reveal Secrets from Different Jobs They’ve...
- Most of us assume everyone else in the world has a...
Boss Makes Sick Employee Get Doctor’s Note, So They...
- Thanks to a petty doctor, this employee gets their...
Dude Gets Fired from Job That Isn’t His
- Something seems a bit fishy here, but we'll let you be...
Incompetent Boss Sabatoges Himself By Demanding...
- This employee enacts the simplest revenge by just...
Entitled Boss Fired after Losing Company over $200K
- Spoiler alert, when a company loses that much money...
Man Gets $450,000 After Suing Workplace for...
- A Kentucky man was awarded $450,000 by a jury after...
25 Signs That Our Future Is Doomed
- Most of us try to remain optimistic from day to day....
28 Work Memes to Sideline Your Productivity
- Make sure you finish these work memes by 5:00 PM...
Denying Star Worker's $30k Raise Ends Up Costing...
- It's really not that hard guys, pay your workers for...
Fast Food Workers Fed Up, Throwing Hands to Make Ends...
- The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 since...
Fast Food Workers Fed Up, Throwing Hands to Make Ends...
- The federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 since...
23 Work Memes to Get You Through the Day
- These work memes could probably have been in an email...
23 Work Memes to Get You Through the Day
- These work memes could probably have been in an email...
19 Work Memes That Are Takin' Care of Business
- You better have these work memes finished and on my...
25 Memes That Are Taking Care of Business and Workin'...
- Stuff to help cheer you up for the coming work week.
25 Memes That Are Taking Care of Business and Workin'...
- Stuff to help cheer you up for the coming work week.
20 Employees Who Gave Their Boss A Taste of Their Own...
- Everyone has had to deal with an annoying boss. But...
21 Work Memes to Hand In With Your Notice
- We know work sucks, which is why we've got this...
22 Work Memes to Lower Productivity
- Our productivity is maximized when yours is at a...
28 Work Memes For When You've Had Enough
- These memes will distract you from work but are still...
26 Times Management Got Ridiculous
- This stuff would just make you quit.
20 Workers Who Got Back at Rude Customers
- Payback's a b***h.
McDonald's Employee Adds Her Own Secret Sauce to...
- Nasty food worker scratched her butt crack and then...
eBaum's Picks