Kid Plays Guitar While Mom Has Sex in the Background
- Depressing thing is...he's probraly taken up guitar to...
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Spectacular Meteor Explosion Caught On Tape
- sure is beautiful
Deaf Baby Hears Sound For The First Time
- Thanks to his newly installed cochlear implant....
Man Claims 300k House For 16 Dollars!
- those neighbors are just hating
Chihuahua Attacks Armed Robbers
- Don't mess with Poco.
Waterfalls Are Dangerous NSFL
- This is horrifying.
Street Magic with Gavin McInnes
- Wait for it....
Props To This Motorcycle Cop!
- I Like This Guy.
Store Manager Harassing 2 Young Teens
- That's Racist.
Flipping Into A Pool Chair
- Super flipping win.
Fox 5 News Jet Pack Fail
- Arent JET packs supposed to fly and not swim?
Shark Fishing Goes Wrong
- There are rumors of a shark swimming in a lake in...
Mini Motorcycle Tooth Pull
- Kid is brave.
Bar Fight Leads to Tasing
- It will get you punched in the face and/or tased.
Tom Green Created Planking - 1994
- now the whole world is fucked
Foo Fighters Don't Take Any Shit
- i guess they're not all about fighting...
Before & After Joplin Tornado
- If a picture is worth a thousand words...this video is...
TV Reporter Faceplants On Live TV
- Surfs up brah!
Cop Tries To Stop Another Cop From Hurting Handcuffed...
- Two NYPD officers going at it with each other because...
Im On Crack!
- So much WIN!
Hit And Run Caught On Tape
- This street, nobody canna cross it!
Kid Dancing to Thriller at Baseball Game
- Swag bro swag!
Bonebreaking Dance
- Dope.
Cop Punching Handcuffed Man Who Has to Pee!
- Brutality. 'nuff said.
DMCA - Children Hunt World's Largest Venomous Spider
- And some stupid kids don't want to eat their veggies...
UFO Spotted Again!!
- There is some strange stuff going on out there.
Old Man Freaks Out Over the Casey Anthony Verdict
- Could you imagine listening to him during the O.J...
Driving Into Arizona's Sandstorm Wall
- a bit ominous wouldn't you say?
Banana Motherf*cker
- Brutal.
Thigs Not To Do In Court
- moron flips off the camera in Casey Anthony trial and...
Homeless Man Singin Better Than Most Artists Today!
- Please Sign This Man!
Transformers 3 Rips Off Scene's From The Island
- I conclude they are the same except one has robots.
MS Excel Master
- You can do that on excel?
TIME Editor Calls Obama a Dick on Live Broadcast
- Tell us how you REALLY feel, Mark Halperin.
The Future of Man
- What lies ahead in the end of the next century, the...
Trolling a News Reporter
- Clark Kent gets his five seconds of fame.
Guy Starts Dancing Crazy by Himself
- This guy knows how to have fun unlike the rest of the...
All U.S. Presidents Have One Thing in Common
- Bitch, go do my homework.
TSA Forces 95-Year-Old to Remove Her Diaper
- I guess it all 'Depends' on the curcumstances...
Balloon of Fire
- If ever something needed saying, "Don't try this at...
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