Wendy's Dirty Secrets Exposed
- A man was fired for exposing the filthy and nasty...
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Baby Knows A Good Thing When He Sees It
- She dosent realize the baby is actually a 40 year old...
Dumbest Girls Ever Rob Girls Scouts
- How Could They Be So Dr. Evil?
High School Won't Let Student Rap His Graduation Speech
- Haters gonna hate.
Louder Dubstep
Ultimate Mini DJ!
- DJ Mini Mix!
Chris Hansen Confronts Bike Thief
- "I brought it in for repairs!"
Old Man Challenging Bullets by the Yemeni Army
- Now that guy has balls!
Road Mayhem In China
- The complexities of getting around in China
Stupid Reporter on Live TV
- WTNH News 8 Reporter messed up her intro and calls...
Sonic The Hedgehog Flip-book Animation
Car Bass Opens Up Chips
- Quickest way to open up some chips.
Florida's Gangsters Get Out Of Control
- I went to Florida once, shit got wild, downtown disney...
Benefit Cheat Caught In Drunken Rampage
- A man who falsely claimed more than 21k in disability...
Mom Runs Over Teen Daughter
- Teen throws a fit and mom puts her in her place, under...
Guy Dies After Planking From Seventh-Floor Balcony
- planking is serious business
Endeavour's Final Launch from Airplane Window
- Out of this world.
Planking The New Australian Craze
- Haters gonna hate. Plankers gonna plank...
Teen Beaten and Tortured Because of Race
- Wait...what?
Guy Runs On Field At Astro Stadium and Gets Away
- Now there's a man with a plan...
Robber Suckerpunches Woman
- caught on surveillance cam
Magnetic Fat Kid
- Six-year-old Croatian boy Ivan Stoiljkovic can hang up...
Cat Tank Wars
- We must be prepared against the feline invasion.
Man Builds Moat Fortress To Save Home From Flood
- Amazing, just really amazing.
Long Ass Line For In-N-Out Burger
- I would hate to work there.
LCD TV Break by Son
- That kid would cease to exist in my household...
Muay Thai Kicking Machine
- He kicks the pad 50 times in 22 sec. Sounds like a...
Batman Beatdown on the Vegas Strip
- Batman isn't as good of a fighter as I thought...
Man Catches Fire in Porn Shop
- A San Francisco man catches fire while watching porn...
Two Men Capture Footage of a Houston Shootout
- This happened on May 7 in downtown Houston.
I Am Homeless Epic Beard Man Update
- This is a PSA in hopes of finding him some housing in...
Racist Game Show Contestant Declares "I Don't Like Him...
- Wow....this dude has no filter!
Green Ants vs. Paper Wasps
- This is SPARTA!!
Cop Tackles 15 Year Old Girl
- Police Brutality?
L.A. News Reports on Shake Weight Class
- must have been a BIG news day...
Worlds Largest Miniature Model Airport
- The 150 square-meter model, based on Hamburg Airport,...
Motorized Couch Banned From BYU
- Its every stoner's dream
Asian Girl Plays Three Instruments At Once
- Shes to hot to be handled
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