Kids Unwrap Military Dad Home From Deployment
- Happy Independence Day...
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As If Crashing Wasn't Enough...
- That is why you should always wear a helmet.
Dog Get's Pwned in Dog vs Cat Boxing
- Dog at 0:34 ... "Are you getting this?"
Lady Chases Down 3 Guys Stealing Beer
- super granny to the rescue!
Japanese Tsunami Shot From Inside A Vehicle
- More incredible tsunami footage!
World Record Power Slide
- 893,564,811 drift points!
Tom Hanks Does the Weather on Spanish TV
- If this has shown me anything it's that Spanish...
Flesh Eating Drugs
- oh shit... they found a way to stop us...
Spelling Errors On High School Diplomas
- Do you see the problem?
Why You No Speak the English?
- Texas Senator points out the obvious...Jump to 1:00...
Crazy Eyebrow Video Bomb
- That pink shirt suits him.
Most Fun Ever at a Baseball Game
- Some people get all the good seats.
Douche at Vancouver KO's Guy Who Isn't Even Looking
- Whaaaat? I'd love to knock that stupid looking,...
Nobody Canna Cross It
- This tune goes HARD!
Rioter Car on Fire Jump FAIL
- here's one of the riot retards, attempting to jump...
Vancouver Riot Flash Bang to the Groin
- Balls balls balls balls, balls of steeeeel.
Diving in Volcanic Ash
- Did he died?
Don't.... Move....
- What a wonderful way to wake up on a nice hot iraq...
Fire Tornado In Arizona
- The mom and son commentary is hilarious.
Shania Twain Busts Her Ass On Live TV
- Don't worry, Shania. I'll kiss it make it all...
News Anchor Drops F-Bomb
- Apparently all teenagers are having more fuck.
Bike Lanes
- Little movie about a ticket this guy got for riding...
Permission to Buzz the Tower
- At the end of the Cold War, Maverick was forced to...
Hot News Reporter Ambushed By Crazy Canucks Hockey Fans
Miami Beach Memorial Day Shooting Cellphone Video
- Narces Benoit took cell phone video of a shooting...he...
Robber Impales Himself On A Recipt Spike
- karmas a bich
Dueling Useless Machines
- Guile theme goes with everything.
Point Blank
- Riot Police in Toronto fire point blank at an unarmed...
Homeowner, Lawyer, And Cops Foreclose on a Bank of...
- After the bank foreclosed on the WRONG property, the...
Soldier Dad Uses Military Training to Stop Bank Robber
- Dad of the year?
Shark Opens Shark Cage
- Its almost as though this occurring never even crossed...
Ex Iraqi IL76 Adnan Crashes
- holy shit!
Teenager Sells Kidney for iPad2
- I wonder what he's going to do when the iPad3 comes...
Fat Samoan Teacher Smashes Student
- Thats why whales are not aloud on dry land.
Aww, What a Cute Little, OH GOD WHY!
- This. This is a product of LSD.
Bagging Like a BOSS
- And not a single fuck was given that day.
Surfing Backflip
- here is a gay surfing video because i like gay surf...
Seize The Cheese
- The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling Competition 2011 was...
Drift Car Slams Into Crowd
- A drift car loses control and smashes into people...
Mass Arrests at Jefferson Memorial for Dancing
- A disgusting over-reach by federal goons at the...
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