Shaving Cream Prank on Little Sister
- Nothing like strawberries and cream to make your...
Media videos
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Hacking the News
- A kid hacks the autocue of a local news station.
Proper Way to Wake Up a Drunk
- Haha he screams like a girl
Ultimate Prank Gone Bad
- Did she died?
Seahawks Fake Snake Prank
- The Seahawks were pranked by a fake snake in a...
Piss Prank Fail
- Why bother pissing on someones car when you're just...
Macbook Prank
- smooth move, son.
Chatroulete Prank Compilation
- The title speaks for itself...Enjoy!
Dude Completely Messes With A Debt Collector
- Epic conversation with a bill collector. This dude...
Little Kid Prank Goes Bad
- Funniest part is the kid getting smashed in the skull...
Chatroulette Piano Guy
- In front of a live audience
Epic Treadmill Fail
- Muscle guy tries to show off to his brother but the...
Epic Hot Chick in Bikini Prank
- Unsuspecting tanner gets wet.
Two Teens, One Little Brother
- Teen and his pal are jackasses to this little kid.
Boyfriends Pube Mustache Revenge
- Boyfriend gets revenge on his girlfriend for...
Girlfriend's Remote Control Prank
- good job honey...lol!
Senior Prank Leaves Student Blind
- assholes....
Hilarious Street Prank!
- Watch these people get schooled when they try to...
Morning Double Prank
- they got him good
Polish Arm Wrestling Prank
- This guy's stupidity makes me laugh.
Grampa's Pissed at Bathroom Prank
- kids pull a fast one on ol' gramps...he needs his...
Cool April Fools Gag on Students!
- The teacher's shadow rebels against him until the...
Evil Twin
- This car really hates cats.
Prayer Prank
- Muslims are the best pranksters!
Bike Jump Fail
- Least his helmet protected him.....
Grudge Prank
- movie based prank...watch till the end!
Bubble Prank
- These guys fill their friend's room with suds. Mr....
Classic Clip: Restaurant Waiter Dildo Prank
- These women get a little flustered once they notice...
Kids' Funny Genius Prank Call
- This kids' prank call is genius! First he messes with...
Tripwire Prank
- Someone Has Been Reading "The Art Of War."
Prank Breaks Kids Heart
- His bud's took his phone and changed the contacts to...
Asian Guy Farts on a Woman in Phone Booth...
- Someone needs to teach the Asians how to use cell...
CNN Reporter Gets Pranked Live on the Air
- Ali Velshi gets called a "dumbass" live on the air.
Garage Murderer Prank
- Scares the crap out of this girl.
Metal Spoon Prank
- hahaha...always fun with an idiot and a spoon...
Kick Ass Cleavage
- Looks hot, doesn't it?
Buttered Floor Prank
- Epic ownage with butter and concussions
Girlfriend Prank
- WayBack WHENsday: The classic water on the ceiling...
Asian Restaurant Prank Called
- Asian dude gets pissed off with caller "trying to...
HS Coach Makes Prank Shot
- HS coach is told if he makes the shot he will get NCAA...
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