Christ TV Rick Rolled
- God will never give you up, never let you down, never...
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Emailer Pranks Live Christian TV
- Fresh Prince of the Dark Side!! haha the devil is a...
Failed Car Prank
- Wayback WHENsday: I don't know what this kids...
Naked Ghost Prank
- Whasssssupp??
Hottie Gets Flour Pranked!
- aww... he ruined her red dress. Too bad...
Bungee Jump Prank
- That's good for a little stain in the underoo's.
Xbox 360 X-mas Prank
- This kid's parents are EVIL!!
Formula 1 Prank With Failed Ending
- Race team uses a Formula one car to prank unsuspecting...
Big Guy Gets Owned By His Friends
- poor fool doesn't see it coming
Christmas Prank on Louie
- someone got in louie's apartment while he was away and...
When a Hot Blonde Invites You in the Changing Room
- this guy had the right idea, I guess
The Farting Turkey
- this turkey is the shit
Teeter Totter Prank
- Not So Much A Prank As It Is Just A Mean Thing To Do.
Taylor Swift Pranked by Ellen Degeneres
- not much of a prank but still pretty funny
Little Girl Really Hates Her School
- Here is an awesome prank call from an 8 year old girl
Wake Up Scare Prank
- I think he needs to check himself.
Japanese Sniper Prank
- Another Crazy prank from the Japanese media,...
Hidden Camera Show to the Face
- TV Show Prank Gone Wrong
Freaky Head Scares Hot Chick
- Cute chick gets scared by her boyfriend and his freaky...
Russian TV Prank Goes Very Wrong
- Prankster ends up getting his ass kicked
Toothbrush in Ass Prank
- The kid that does this needs to have his head beat in
Electric Shock Prank
- Dude pranks his best friend with electric shock
Soldiers In Iraq Prank
- These soldiers in Iraq have too much time on their...
Prank Nearly Turns Deadly
- It was either really lucky or staged. Even if it was...
- Good thing he opened the window!
Your Wife is Fooling Around With MY Wife!
- Live Radio prank call. This Red Neck is so fucking...
Frog In The Boobs Prank
- Hottie gets a frog tossed in her fun-bags
Russian Police Prank Drunk Man
- I've never seen prints taken like that...
3 Cousins Have Declared WAR!!!!
- prank war amongst family members ends with the mother...
Russian Kids Viciously Pranking Each Other
- Often painful pranks from some Russian kids
Bikini Girl Pancake Prank
- Girls covered in flour turn me on
Drunk Kid Party Prank
- Kid passes out at a party and his friends light his...
Doberman and the Laser Pointer Prank
- So Funny.
Hammer Vs Hand or Face Vs Fire Extinguisher
- It's like rock paper scissors only a lot more...
Clean Glass Prank
- the glass is so clean people don't know its there
Weather Girl Trainee Cruel Prank
- Crazy producer plays a cruel prank on weather girl...
Airbag Prank
- Airbag hidden in a couch used for a painful prank
Refrigerator Prank Makes Roommate Cry
- Roommate cries after refrigerator prank
Lobster Fest The Curse Of Cheddar Bay
- These guys have created their own Lobster Fest - every...
Milk Attack
- That will teach you not to drink from the carton!
eBaum's Picks