Dont Eat Chalk Kid
- These parents prank there kid into thinking a piece of...
Media videos
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Shopping channel Prank
- Amazing.
The Coolest Prank Ever!
- That Would Freak Me Out
Mask Scare Prank Backfires
- When will they ever learn..
Classroom Jump Fail
Cat Prank
- Plastic Wrap On The Cat Door.
Mannequin Scare
- The last one is priceless.
Great Wake Up Prank
- Well Planned.
Tampon Prank Ends Badly
- This guy was just sitting on the porch, reading his...
Dr. Phil Soundboard Prank Call
- the woman breaks down at the end
Sleeping Guy Pwned
- This guy was sleeping, then suddenly gets slammed into...
Basketball Dunk Prank
- This guy gets drilled while trying to help his friend...
Hilarious Japanese Prank
- These Reactions Are Priceless
Classic Prank
- Plastic Wrap And A Stupid Woman.
TV Station Gets Pranked
- Can't believe they fall for some of these call in...
Kid Scares Mom Into Labor
- This kid pranks his pregnant mother and her water...
Antiquing The Missus
- This guy sets his girl up for complete failure
Girl and a spider
- lol I have always wanted to do that
Bad Balboa
- A must see remix for Rocky Balboa fans!
Sand Buggy Stuck In Sand
- This dune buggy seemed to be stuck, but I think it was...
Best of Elevator
- funny
The Best Prank Call Ever
- Prank call played on telemarketer
Saran Wrap Doorway Prank
- This guy falls victim to the classic saran wrap door...
Owned in the Bathroom
- His roomate wanted to be sure he washed his hands next...
Lame Prank
- The Funniest Thing Is Their Dresses.
Miley Cyrus In Sexy Photoshoot
- Isn't she too young to be releasing sexy revealing...
Guy Scares Crap Out of Cop
- This guy puts on a mask and scares the crap out of a...
TKD- Torture Stretch
- The Groin Tear The Male Neutering Technique
Fat guy scared by baby doll
- Never let your guard down while sawing logs at your...
Sisterly Love
- This chick farts in her sisters' faces.....can ya feel...
Brutal Wake Up Prank
- This guy got hosed.
Terror Attack Prank
- Guy wakes up to a flurry of gunshots!
Shower Shock Prank
- These guys prank their roommate while he's in the...
Exercise Ball Prank
- A classic prank that's usually funny on its own, but...
Sleeping Wife Eyebrow Wax Prank
- This guy may not be getting any action for a while...
Brother Scares His Brother
- This is the second time he did this to his...
Pierce Brosnan Pranked
- The crew on this movie set pranks Pierce Brosnan!
The Invisible Rope Holiday Edition
- These guys play an amzing prank on cars and people!
The Spoon Prank
- The spoon prank is back, this time with a insult to...
Alarm Clock Shock Prank
- You'll never oversleep again!
eBaum's Picks